There’s only one day left for this Special Offer!!
July 17th will be your last chance to get
a ticket that includes accommodations.
10% off Coupon Code is: guardian10
Namaste Galactic Family!
Welcome to today's live session, where we have so much to discuss regarding the Kauai Mission and the September global healing gridworker event. This mission is of paramount importance, with grid workers worldwide coming together to restore balance on Earth.
Kauai, Hawaii, holds immense significance in healing the planet’s war history and the deep-seated wounds of separation and betrayal between men and women stemming from the original split, planetary blackmail, and from our original shared genesis. Where from the gender split of Adam and Eve resulted in a severe forced breeder program. This great, mysterious gender divide and the resulting distrust have fractured humanity since our tribal inheritance within our ancient planetary ancestral fields.
If this isn't making sense, let me put it in simpler terms: We must go to Hawaii to heal the deepest plagues impacting humanity’s soul and spiritual evolutionary processes.
Since Kauai, Hawaii is the oldest islander record to Lemuria, and holds the Inner Earth gate site access to the Inner Earth Cue site in France this is extraordinarily significant in clearing everything running in Europe in accordance with planetary war history and the great separation between men and women. This goes deeper into the Mary Magdalene bloodlines, Irish lines and descent, and original Venusian souls, see below.
Recently, I've received crystal-clear information through remote viewing of Venus and Mars, which are activated in accordance with astrological pivotal alignments but also future earth prophecy and ethics.
Astonishingly, both planets are already inhabited and colonized, much like Earth. They host massive subterranean cities, advanced civilizations, and complex governmental coalitions that are very active and alive, bearing similarities to Earth civilizations.
Venus, however, is more crystallized and advanced, with inner cities and crystal kingdoms emerging on its surface. The collective vision of a new Earth is largely transmitted from Venus, where evolution occurs at a faster pace due to the planet's heat. Venusian civilizations live in interconnected sphere cities and communicate powerfully through orb technologies. Venus is a massive gateway from Kauai, Hawaii where one of the Venusian Temples are located.
Secure Your Spot for the Kauai, Hawaii Gridworker Event in September 2024! There are only 2 days left, to sign up for our $2222 ticket which includes accommodations with the Guardian Team.

The Guardian Planet Venus
"Long ago, Venus and Earth were a unified entity, nested within the vibrant energy field of the star Rigel in the Orion constellation. They split, like a cell dividing, to form the intricate cosmic geometry we now recognize. This event initiated their journey through a wormhole, bringing them into the embrace of our Sun. Over time, they solidified their places within our solar system, co-creating a beautiful heart geometry: Earth representing beauty and Venus symbolizing love.
To truly grasp the connection between Earth and Venus, we must journey back to a time when they were one within Rigel’s star system. Among Rigel’s worlds was a realm we call Atlantis, which faced karmic challenges leading to its self-destruction. This catastrophe disrupted the energy equilibrium of Rigel’s worlds. Carrying the seed codes of Rigel, Earth and Venus traveled to a new space and time, with many souls from Atlantis reincarnating on Earth's Atlantis. Earth and Venus now maintain this balance for Rigel, keeping the Vault of Orion—a significant portal in the constellation—energetically open as a passageway between universes. The Orion Nebula’s Trapezium region is where this universe’s hologram was projected.
Earth, holding a crucial balance for this universe, is complemented by Venus, its guardian and guide. In quantum reality, every world can be seen as the center of its universe. Venusians, genetically and energetically advanced yet close human relatives, exist in World System One, experiencing extended lifespans of several thousand years. They age minimally, similar to Earth's inner civilizations. Although they do not succumb to illness, they can die from accidents or the natural end of their biological clocks. Even in World System Two, there is an end time for the body, but it transitions with all its energy intact, ready for a higher vibration rebirth without the need for childhood.
Returning to Venus involves a rapid growth process from birth to transition, where the body is transformed into energy. Most Venusians have fair complexions, with hair ranging from blonde to deep red, and light eyes. Their voices are melodious and crystalline. Some pure Venusians live among us on Earth, adapting their voices to blend in. Many humans unknowingly carry Venusian blood, a legacy from the early days of Mu when Venusian consort Melchizedek brought priestesses to establish a grand temple. Earth’s humans, with their diverse genetic heritage from Earth and star races, possess a unique potential for unity once certain challenges are overcome."
-Channeled from Maia Nartoomid - Blue Star Rising

Venus Temples
Venus temples can be considered as the wombs containing "Seeds of Light" for the Golden Age. Venus, our sister and guardian in this solar system, aids us in our transition into the New Earth—a process that has already begun in Kauai, Hawaii!
The Temples of Venus resonate with the vibratory frequency of Venus and are safeguarded by the divine feminine, often associated with Mary Magdalene.
These sites, which may not always be physical temples, are Earth nodes that have historically hosted temples or markers. They are linked with the "Sisters of the Magdalene."
The original Sisters of the Magdalene began as a gathering of women under the guidance of a master teacher, later incarnated as Mary Magdalene. These souls visited a Temple of Venus to take vows to serve the planetary purpose of the Magdalene. Magdalene souls follow a distinct path of the Divine Feminine, championed by Mary Magdalene. This powerful vibration is continuously maintained on the inner planes. In 1216, the Sisters of the Magdalene re established themselves at the Temple of Venus in France. Thirteen women from France, England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and Spain reconvened, bringing with them a polished alabaster egg from the sanctuary of Isis in Egypt. This egg, originally created for the priestesses at Heliopolis, was imbued with their rites, ceremonies, and prayers, and guarded by the Koski, a sacred order of the Berbers, Moors, and direct descendants of Atlantis. Today, this egg rests in a catacomb beneath the Temple of Venus in France, symbolizing the perpetuation of divine light. The Inner Earth Cue Site to Kauai, Hawaii.
In Atlantis, the Magdalene soul was Kesariya, the veiled mother of the Temple of the Silver Star. In Lemuria, the Magdalene soul served as the high priestess in the Temple of Fira, dedicated to the lion goddess and the essence of the Divine Feminine.
There are seven Venus Temples:
1. A'RATU - TEMPLE OF THE GOLDEN FLAME: Located on the slopes of Mt. Ararat, Turkey (active), it holds the codes of the First Principle – the Word, Logos of the Seed. Golden Flame.
2. I'UAWA - TEMPLE OF THE PURE FLAME: Near Alexandria, Egypt (active), it embodies the Pure Essence of Stellar Transmissions. Bright Star - White Light Flame.
3. ESH'UNA - TEMPLE OF THE HEART TONE: Beneath the Alhambra, Spain (active), it harmonizes rhythms through the Holy Tone. Heart of the Dove - Violet Flame of Divine Accord.
4. RUHA'KEESH - TEMPLE OF THE RUBY FIRE: Located in Sedona (active), it qualifies the nature of the Divine Feminine. Ruby Fire burns away all dross to reveal the true form.
5. MANU'TANSHA - TEMPLE OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN: In France (active), it serves as a sanctuary and a beacon of hope. Inverted Ray (Flame) of Midnight to release future guiding rays of Eschaton.
6. SICHANA'LI'EL - TEMPLE OF THE NEW COVENANT: On Tenerife, Canary Islands, this Atlantean Venus Temple is a complete hologram of the New Covenant and the Light Program initializing the New Earth Star. Blue Flame.
7. OWII'NEMAKA - TEMPLE OF THE GEM BODY: Located in Kauai, beneath the San Marga Monastery grounds, this Lemurian Venus Temple embodies Prima Matra - the first matter arising to the new octave. Emerald Flame.
The Pure Gem, which is housed in the Na Pali Coast in Kauai, Hawaii represents the future ascended state of the human form, serving as a multi-faceted Light vehicle for the soul. The Saf-Fire Rayship offers a method for working within one's own Light Body to actualize the Pure Gem Body within Earth's electromagnetic reality. This concept is intricately linked to various crystalline properties and elements, as exemplified by the Saf-Fire Mount of Inner Earth and New Earth, both of which exhibit numerous crystalline characteristics and are composed of elements such as water vapor, ice crystals, and opaline varieties. This means the Venusian Future Earth Templates are currently residing in Kauai, Hawaii and unfolding now!
The Saf-Fire Rayship manifests in terrestrial spheres of varying densities and is associated with specific Earth crystals, particularly those of blue, rose-pink, violet-purple, and green varieties, such as sapphires, turquoise, larimar, lapis lazuli, amethyst, opals, and other rare crystals. These crystals are believed to emit the Saf-Fire Ray in certain aspects. The Saf-Fire Rayship is regarded as a ray of the highest order, serving as a merkabah for Master Intelligences to transport their Pure Gem forms across different dimensional wave-form states. It integrates elements of Inner Earth science and spiritual practices involving manifestation, healing, and energy uses.
In Kauai, we have been guided to reset and rehabilitate 12 stargate locations historically dominated by patriarchy, such as the Temple Mount, the 4th planetary stargate in Giza, the Kaaba, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and others. Additionally, we have been directed to work on 13 feminine stargate locations, calling in and harnessing these vortexes for planetary healing. These feminine stargates include the Hill of Tara, Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury, Avalon, Montségur in France, and other locations across Europe.
The Mu people, also referred to as the E'mu, have remnants scattered across different parts of the world, including the interior of the planet, the Valley of the Blue Star in Tibet, the cavern areas of Mount Shasta, and beneath the city of Lhasa in Tibet.
The Mu People are also the Irish lineages descended through the red hair lines, these would be the Venusian incarnations. And Emu would also be Eiru.
The continent of Lemuria, or MU as it is truly named, was known as the "Motherland" of humanity. From MU originated the migrations to the Americas, Atlantis, and to some extent, Europe (though the latter was more extensively populated by Atlantis). Even before MU, this planet felt the touch of what was to become humanity, but that is another story.
Like Atlantis, MU experienced several cataclysmic events before its final submersion. Among these were two significant magnetic implosions originating from the center of the earth. These occurred when the central sun "atoma" of our planet became overloaded with a magnetic charge due to pressures in the earth's crust and magma. Its effect on the naturally hollow cavity of the planet was surprisingly minimal, though still impactful. However, since MU (and now Hawaii) is at the "Roil Point" of the planet, this was the region on the surface that drew the discharge from the atoma to the surface.

Upcoming Guardian Team Connection Call
We are offering a free Zoom live Q&A session to go over any details of the trip. Join us on July 17th, 2024, at 2PM CDT. Please email to receive the link.Communication and UpdatesGroup communication will be facilitated through a Signal chat where updates, locations, and meet-up logs will be shared. This ensures every attendee is informed at all times.Meals and TransportationWhile several meals will be provided, not all meals are covered. Reviewing your preliminary itinerary will help you plan accordingly. Transportation to and from gridwork locations will be covered from the group meet-up spot, but transportation from your accommodations to the meet-up spot is not covered. Please arrange transportation using services like Uber, Lyft, or a taxi.Inquiries and AssistanceFor any questions or clarifications, please contact us at We are committed to providing prompt assistance to ensure your experience is seamless and enjoyable. We strive to make every attendee feel supported and connected to their divine soul family.We appreciate any connections you may have that could assist us on this journey. We aim to pull in as many local resources as possible, supporting the people of Hawaii who truly need it. Assistance through word of mouth, small community-based businesses, native, tribal, and local help is greatly appreciated.Recommended CoursesWhile not mandatory, we highly recommend enrolling in either Gridwork Facilitator 1 &/or our advanced Gridwork Facilitator Course 2.0. These courses provide invaluable insights into advanced gridwork technologies and offer practical guidance on applying them to on-site gridwork missions. If you're already familiar with gridwork principles or have participated in previous remote missions or events, you may find these courses optional.Graduates of either Gridworker course are eligible for a special discount. Email proof of enrollment to, and we will send your coupon code for checkout on your Kauai, Hawaii Guardian Gridwork Mission.