A cosmic collection of organic essential oils designed to spiritually enhance starseed attunements through fragrance frequency.

The Back Story...
About 3 years ago, I began to see and feel clairvoyantly and clairsentously through smell frequency and through essential oils, particular natural smells that would remind me, awaken me, and activate me to the star systems.
And starseed origins.
Because we can attune our consciousness to the stars in so many different ways.
We often forget that it's not just in the light, or colors, geometry, mathematics, astral traveling and spiritual experiences that we can do this. It’s also in the earth pollens and elixirs of life that can create a swarming warmth of knowing and remembrance in your heart.
And I had been doing it longer than 3 years ago because I have always worked with essential oils in my daily spiritual practices, but 3 years ago was when I had really reached some ahh ha moments. That I could start to see a new potential within it.
I began mixing and matching essential oils, spiritual and sacred oils, such as sage oil, cedar oil, rose oil, and so much more.
I spent the last 2 years every day mixing, matching, submitting samples to be crafted with a professional scent company in New York, that creates natural and organic scents for people like me trying to create their perfect designs.
Let me tell you this was hard work and this part did not come easy.
Some of the designs were very difficult to get right and it took a lot of adjusting, sending samples back, scratching certain designs. While still trying to achieve the particular scent design that the star systems themselves kept revealing to me, that they should be.
I have designed for Sirius, Arcturus, Pleiades, Lyra, Orion, and Andromeda starseeds.
My future goals are to continue to keep designing scents for the stars, more stars that are already calling to me and are telling me the secrets of their cosmic blueprint.
But right now I have been guided to start with these six.
You may say how can you smell a star?
I say it’s through your heart. In other lifetimes and existences you were working with a much higher diverse dimensional ability of senses. In other planets, origins and timelines you were able to smell the oceanic essence of Sirius, or the grounding woodsy smell of Orion.
These starseed activators are a great way to attune to your origin.
They will also be infused with particular crystals that will also be attuned to the star system that they are activating too. So these activators will come charged with heightened crystal power.
The cause is truly to help humanity ascend into the new earth and into the cosmic realmswhich is needed to evolve on this earth. Everyone needs assistance or tools to use for this, we cannot do these things completely alone and that’s where the starseed activators come into play.
Infused and charged with Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise crystals and attuned to the Sirian stargate. Ingredients: Lime, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lavender (Organic Proprietary blend)
Infused and charged with Lemurian Quartz crystals and attuned to the seven sisters of Pleiades stargate. Ingredients: Rose and Patchouli Oil (Organic Proprietary blend).
Infused and charged with Obsidian crystals and attuned to the belt of Orion.
Ingredients: Cassia, Clove, Nutmeg and Fir (Organic Proprietary blend)
Infused and charged with Citrine yellow Quartz crystals and attuned to the Arcturus stargate.
Ingredients: Orange, Sage and Lemon Grass (Organic Proprietary blend)
Infused and charged with Carnelian and Clear Quartz crystals and attuned to the Vega Stargate. Ingredients: Frankincense, Myrrh and Sea Salt (Organic Proprietary blend)
Infused and charged with amethyst crystals and attuned to the Andromedan galaxy.
Ingredients: Aquatic and Lilac (Organic Proprietary blend)
The Starseed Activators highly compliment a Starseed Origin Reading
Stargate Attunement
Many ask me, how do I inter-dimensionally connect to my origins?
You simply want to attune your consciousness to the frequency, of the radial encryption (energy signature) of the stargate itself. This comes through most powerfully when you encode your consciousness to this directly to and from the stargate.
In this attunement we will work on this through tantalizing the senses with aromatherapy (fragrance frequency) with your charged starseed activator and a specific symbol code that has been brought forth by galactic ambassadors of the star nation to send and receive these higher radial codes to and from the pineal.
This infusion of dual awareness will charge your energy field to the stargate.
Below you will find an example of the symbol codes for each stargate system for pineal synthesis according to the universal nation. Please feel free to work with and transmit with this code or search for your own that calls to you according to the stargate. If you have downloaded or channeled any symbols according to a specific stargate, please use these as they are initiation codes guided directly from your unique design of lock and key technologies.
This Attunement will require having a star finder app on your phone to quickly locate the direction of the stargate you seek to attune to.
Step 1: Visibly find the star of origin in the sky (this is best done at night but can also be performed during the day with the help of your star finder app). Open up your star finder app on your phone and locate the star system, make sure to align yourself as parallel as you can to the star.
Step 2: Spray your starseed activator around you 3 times, inhale and exhale into the fragrance frequency. Run a pineal synthesis with the Symbol Code. Visibly stare at the symbol and inhale the symbol into your third eye.
Turn it bright white on the back of your forehead.
Step 3: Inhale and exhale, and raise the symbol code transversally and 5 inches above your head. Inhale again and exhale the symbol code to the stargate, this may require that you visualize the star more in your third eye, if you cannot visibly see the star in the sky. Visualize this symbol code generating to the star. Once you reach the star allow the symbol code to access the star’s core gate.
Step 4: Spend a moment here allowing the symbol code to generate the frequency of the stargate, Inhale and exhale, and bring the symbol code back to your third eye.
Step 5: Now run the symbol code down through your chakra column to your root chakra and back up to your crown, allow your chakras to receive the attunement from the stargate from the symbol code enhanced with the charge of your starseed activator.
Step 6: Repeat 3 x for accelerated stargate attunement