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The Higher Feminine Soul Template—The Holy Venusian priestess! The Arkansas Hawaiian Crystal!

Writer's picture: indigoangel222indigoangel222

Guardian Restoration Team 2024

Kauai Hawaii

(Several Announcements Below including:

October 2024 Gridwork Boots on the Ground!)

Aloha Galactic Gridworking Star Family,

I have officially returned from Kauai, Hawaii, after completing the September 2024 Guardian Gridwork mission with our beautiful divine team. I would like to extend a special and heartfelt thank you to all our dedicated Servants of the Light and Planetary Gridworkers!

Blessings to our beloved Noko, Evi, Osa, Jennifer, Chad, Tony, Valerie, Missy, Cindy, Shane, Cheryl, Beth, Joanne, Karen, Michelle, Melissa, Jason, Carl (Garden of Eden), and our Guitar New Earth Christos Avatar. Your devotion and commitment have been deeply felt, and together we have anchored the light in profound ways.

Soon, you will see a posting of videos that highlight the ceremonies and mission events we carried out. Please stay tuned for the main Gridworker event video, which is being lovingly crafted by our divine sister Evi Verstraeten. This will feature the opening cave ceremony, along with Evi's powerful prayer that began the main event.

I will also share some of my personal clearings that were incorporated into several of our ceremonies. (below)

Join me live on September 21, 2024, at 2:22 PM for the latest updates from Kauai, Hawaii, and exciting new Future Earth planetary upgrades!

One of the significant downloads I received came from a Hawaiian native born in the Valley of the Kings named Makepa, who has his own Heiau in Kauai. He offered me his blessings on my last day, mentioning that the large crystal placed in the Hindu Monastery grounds in Kauai (the Venus Temple) was brought over from a beautiful divine feminine from Arkansas. My intuition strongly suggests that this crystal came from Mount Pinnacle. If you recall, we worked on Mount Pinnacle during our United States Gridwork, activating the Dove Light Grid matrices and the main Solar Sun Disc. This activation is crucial in awakening the New Earth templating, which will emerge from the United States.

Importance of the Dove Light Grid

The Dove Light Grid is designed to anchor peace, liberation, and freedom codes into your bio-field and the planet, influencing your auric and astral identity layers. This grid also carries the Blue Wave Spectrum, representing the global Cosmic Christos and Celestial Angelic Restoration living current, and the Emerald Wave Soft Unconditional love, symbolizing the global cosmic mother wave of divine restoration.

Embedded within the vertical and horizontal tonal lines of this light grid are the olive branch codes, which symbolize friendship, harmony with all living things, reconciliation with the divine, cleansing, victory, and richness in life. The activation of these codes in your aura enhances your consciousness, fostering strength in humility within the diamond structures of the heart. The olive branch codes also signify longevity, contributing to a healthy, long beautiful life when fully activated and expanded in the grids and your light body field. Those who integrate these codes may find that they and their future generations are renowned for thousands of years.

The Dove Light Grid’s fabric symbolizes the expansion of the Dove Grid, breaking free from siphoning and hijacking along the 33rd parallel in North America and globally. This brings about positive reinforcement against negative/evil agendas, entities, and archons. The Dove Light Grid serves as a protective and empowering force, promoting positive energies and countering detrimental influences.

I have received a significant download that we must continue the work started in Hawaii and extend it to Mount Pinnacle, Arkansas in which sits at the center of the Unites States at the 33rd Parallel. Our mission is to activate the energy at its Solar Disc power center for the United States, expanding the New Earth energy and light. This work must be carried out over the next four weeks, building on the main activation ceremonies initiated in Hawaii.

From my time at the monastery in Kauai, I have learned that to activate the Venusian New Earth templating from the seven global Venus Temples—and to awaken higher humanity’s telepathic and telekinetic abilities, essential for activating higher evolutionary states of mind and unifying Earth's mental, emotional, and spiritual fields—we must awaken the higher feminine codes. This awakening will harmonize the collective mind’s unified ability to manifest the New Earth.

The higher feminine body is connected through a bridge portal that runs from the higher heart's unconditional love fields to the angelic heart, which contains the radiant, eternal, emerald Divine Love body. Awakening this body requires the purity of the feminine Christ heart flame to be embodied, along with the Mary Magdalene soul structure and the high Venusian priestess path-work.

The Venusian priestess path-work must learn to tone the diamond tones of the soul from the diamond core located at the seat of the soul’s gem body. The gateway to this process is through the crystal-coated vocal cords in the throat chakra. When activated, this expands the Venusian portal, a five-sided stargate within a five-sided stargate within another five-sided stargate expanding through the 5th Dimensional earth domains. These upgraded and unbounded diamond crystal tones at the throat chakra open the elixirs of ambrosia, euphoria, and the angelic heart chakra above the higher heart thymus.

This process repairs the 12th-dimensional blueprint by generating a sufficient flow of higher, unconditional, and eternal love. This love awakens the diamond gem bodies within the seat of the soul. Once the diamond tones are fully activated, crystal diamonds become visible in the eyes as a god initiated glory praising joyously in the eyes—the gaze of the diamond crystal love heart.

This radiant gaze holds the power to heal any heart with just one deep look, filled with crystal love. The compassion that radiates from this process harmonizes and merges all heart fields into one unified vibration, correcting the soul’s alignment.

🌟 Guardian Call to Action: October Gridwork Mission 🌟

Spirit is calling, and I ask you: How dedicated are we to the mission?

This October, I invite you to join our gridwork family for a powerful ceremony in Mt. Pinnacle, Arkansas, from October 16th to 21st, 2024.

This will be a boots-on-the-ground mission, and I’m extending this invitation to all who feel called to participate. Please note that this is not a hosted event, meaning I won’t be able to provide accommodation, transportation, food, or logistics. However, we will create an itinerary for where we’ll be, along with times and meeting points. We’ll also set up a Signal group to ensure real-time communication.

Our itinerary will be finalized over the next week or two and will include hikes to Mt. Pinnacle, Hot Springs, and Crystal Mining.

💫 Participation & Donation Details 💫

I am asking for a minimum donation of $100 to participate in this sacred mission. If you feel called to donate more, it would be greatly appreciated, but not required. Please note that this donation does not cover excursion costs, should there be any additional tickets required.

I’m also considering organizing a home base location, similar to what we did in Hawaii. In this case, the donation would increase to $300 per person, which would cover shared sleeping accommodations from October 16th to 20th.

This would not guarantee a private room, and you may share bunks, beds, or possibly camping grounds.

If we can get 6-10 people, we could move forward with this option.

How to Join:

If you’re interested in attending, please:

Send your donation (minimum $100) with your name.

Indicate whether you’re interested in the shared accommodation option.

Send your details via email to the business email address, and we will add you to the list. You can also use the PayPal link below to submit your donation.

I look forward to seeing you soon, family, at Mt. Pinnacle, Arkansas.

Let’s rise together in service to the light! 🙏

Beautiful Pictures from the Nā Pali Coast ~ A Sacred Place of Extraordinary Spiritual Powers!

I decoded that this is a 122-dimensional Guardian Stargate, where you experience 12th-dimensional body repair through a holographic reality of 48 dimensions! The Guardian faces are scattered across peak nodal points, echoing chamber chants of these guardian beings.

During our journey, we uncovered a 5-pointed Waterfall Venusian StarCore Crystal Gate, along with an exquisite angelic kingdom featuring multiple stairways to heaven. The valleys here globally expand the Emerald Sun Disc/Emerald Gem Body Template, containing the raw forms of Aurora and Amoraea passageways.

The Nā Pali Coast holds portals to crystal cities and inner earth cities – an inner world within inner worlds. These realms represent pure potential, an unborn reality. We recycle through her spirit and the Earth, reborn through her. She holds the greater life cycle time fields; all things are worked through her spirit.

The Mist: We decoded that the mist represents spirits of the deceased. Dropping points for these spirits exist along the North Shore, carrying past, present, and future times, as well as born and unborn timelines, into the kingdoms of heaven. This mist is a veil separating the spiritual and physical realms – you need the right codes to access it. It feels like a lucid dream space, hollowing out spirits in the canyons. It’s the first layer of the celestial heavens, where you may see spirits flying in and out. The mist is a psychic subconscious realm, a space where pain and love coexist.

This sacred land connects to the Valley of the Shadow of Death, the Lava World below with its lava cities, and the Guardian Chanting Chambers where the heads and faces of Guardian Watchers oversee planetary evolution. These Guardians are connected to the stone people of the Moai, Avebury, and Karnak, as well as planetary defense systems like Machu Picchu.

We saw Avian Guardians in the rocks, such as falcons and hawks, representing original planetary templating for all life stored in planetary Akash. Waterfall portals emerge in all directions from the rocks, creating a 5-Star Pointed Waterfall System. Dragon Guardians, Dragon Spines, and Dragon Womb ridges protect this ancient landscape.

Wai’ale’ale, the center of the ancient Hawaiian universe, is a portal to the Great Central Sun – the cradle of life itself. This is where all creation meets at one point. You can feel the deepest wound of separation from source, the original core wound of being thrown out of the Garden of Eden, as well as the wounding of self-love in the female family line. This place helps to heal the sacrifice of life force for creation, allowing us to rediscover the worthiness of our souls.

The Facets of the Diamond of Love, the heart of Lemuria, reside here. Protected by the Guardians of the Universe, this is an initiation path. Many are unaware of this sacred place, and few will experience it without higher spiritual wisdom.

The higher feminine soul template—the holy Venusian priestess—must embody the essence of purity and atonement with Earth, Venus and Organic Divine Intelligence. She is called to wear little or no makeup, allowing her hair to remain wild and untamed, and to walk barefoot upon the Earth. She will anoint herself in the sacred oils of Plumeria. Draped in her priestess dress and robe of initiation, as she walks in sacred connection with the land.

The priestess will give birth upon the sacred royal birthing stones, grieving deeply for the loss and suffering of all children within the womb of humanity. She must deeply know the sacred plants, understanding their medicines energetically and recognizing their spiritual powers. She must inner-stand the ethereal planes, as portals of God unfold before her in a harmonious diamond melody, guided by the holy chants of the guardians and their planetary wisdom.

Her initiation occurs at the sacred Holy Mother Tree, where she stands atop the highest mountain to grasp the depth of her influence. She then travels to the deepest cave to sing with the goddess of the inner earth and bellow out the passageways of her deepest resonance. It is here she receives the sacred keys to unlock the diamond star crystal heart of both Earth and her sister Venus resurrecting the divine human 12D Original Angelic Heart Blueprint.

As a sacred bridge, she ignites the holy vessel within the sacred land and the angelic kingdom. Taking the sacred vow of the Divine Feminine Christ, she holds all creation within her angelic heart. She contains the power of 9, and will live the earth’s longest most radiant life, imbued with the highest spiritual enlightenment, selflessness, compassion, and virtue. She will radiate as humanities muse speaking in poetry, light language, and hymns. She will become the sacred rose, continuously reaching toward the light, extending ever closer to its brilliance. With each ascent, she grows more radiant, absorbing the light, until she ultimately blossoms into the radiant light fields of eternal divine love.

Upon reaching this state, everything she thinks, feels, and needs transforms into instant, radiant golden love emanating vibrations. All things begin to manifest around her, for her pure heart and the emanating field of feminine Christ energy activate those in her presence. The goddess will return to her kingdom from all nations to heal in her temple and provide the temple path-work for all who come before her, and she will know the temple pathway as she has dreamed of it before it ever manifests. The Dragon Mothers will finally be restored, blessing the garden worlds of creation.

The emerald-sapphire dragon's fire will no longer breathe painful transformational fire but will transmit the higher celestial fires of Cygnus, Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Sirius, Hydra, Pleiades, and Pegasus. The priestess will ascend to the Divine Feminine High Council, guiding from the beginning of the earthly time fields, holding the sacred wisdom of the cradle of life.

Kauai Mission: Opening Prayer

We are one with the heavens.

We are one with the earth.

We are one with humanity.

Now, let us share the love.

Love is the water of life. Healing is in the breath, the water, and the Spirit.

Water is sacred to the Hawaiian people. Throughout time, chants have been offered to honor and give gratitude for this powerful life force. Dance, too, is a sacred offering, allowing us to fully embody and activate the power of prayer.

God created water (Wai) to travel from the mountains, where the Ohia Lehua trees grow, down to the sea. Along the way, it shares its life-giving gifts with all. Once Wai reaches the sea, it joins all the waters of the ocean, rejoicing in the remembrance that it is part of the greater whole. This never-ending cycle continues as Wai evaporates, reappears as clouds, and falls back to the earth as rain.

This cycle mirrors the cycle of birth and the nurturing blood that nourishes the fetus, represented by the red Lehua blossoms. It symbolizes unconditional divine love, coming from Source, and by sharing this love, we dance through life, remembering who we truly are. We are One, like the water drops in the ocean.

Let this cycle be a daily healing ritual and a reminder that we are not alone. We have all the tools we need. Our organic, angelic blueprint can guide us through rough and murky waters. Let us purify Earth's water sources, the water in our bodies, and the thoughts in our minds, because the world we experience comes from our beliefs.

The Hawaiian word for wealth is waiwai, meaning "lots of water." Someone blessed with abundant water is considered wealthy. So let us bless the strength and healing power of water.

This mission is about building bridges, bringing light, and weaving humanity into a world at war with itself. It answers the whispers of hope that peace is a possible outcome in these times of darkness. Let us shine our light, so others can light their candle from our flame, illuminating a chaotic and desperate world.

Evil is the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil results from the absence of divine love in the human heart. It is like the cold when there is no warmth or the darkness when there is no light. Let us shine our light and be our own heroes, because it starts with us. We must be the change we wish to see in the world.

We are electromagnetic conductors, receiving the electric energy of the Sun and the magnetic energy of the Earth. This energy flows through us, igniting our lungs and pulsing through our hearts. Our quest in life is to expand our consciousness and use this energy to ascend and actualize our highest timeline, where the magic happens. It is about igniting the blueprint of our soul with the power of Spirit flowing through us.

We must dive deep into who we are and override the ego with pure-hearted intent fueled by Spirit. Now is the time to go within, observe our shadow without judgment, and illuminate it with unconditional love. Let us radiate the magic in our hearts and the light in our eyes.

Blessed are we, inspiring others to open their eyes to the magic of life. Let us be authentic, live from the heart, and follow our truth and intuition. These turbulent times offer the chance to break with the old and shine light on the new, which we already feel clearly in our hearts.

We ask Pachamama, our beloved Mother Earth, to protect us and care for us.

Dear Pachamama, thank you for bringing us together in this healing space. We ask you to join us in healing this sacred land, our bodies, and our spirits. May your light purify and heal the wounds and mistakes of our past. Help us to keep hope in our hearts and align us with your eternal heartbeat. Warm us with your bright Sun, guide us in the night with the light of the stars, and join us on our visionary journey through sacred dreams and light. Help us cleanse our path of light.

We can feel your struggle and pain in these transformational times. It is now time for us to take responsibility for our energy. As Chief Seattle said: All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth, befalls the children of the Earth. We did not weave the web of life; we are merely a strand in it. What we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

As our galaxy spirals through time and space, there are moments on this sacred spiral where we enter grace periods, offering great opportunities for individual and planetary spiritual awakening and evolution. We have the chance to learn from past mistakes, forgive, and take responsibility for all we have created and will create. The time is now.

The time is now for the Second Coming of Christ, when many of us here on Earth will become actualized Christed Beings through our own enChristment, making way for our Ascended Master Selves to fully embody the physical form. For this to happen, we must grow spiritually and be authentic. We must confront our own expectations and judgments, transforming them into self-acceptance and compassion. When we align directly with our God Presence, miracles happen.

We offer our deepest gratitude to the guardians and spirits of the sacred lands of Kauai. We honor and thank you for allowing us to enter these sacred spaces. We connect with you through our hearts, with purity of intention and purpose. We send you love from the purity of our hearts. We ask for your blessing, your wisdom, and to be cleansed. May we purify our minds, hearts, and energy fields.

Today, we offer this prayer in honor of our sacred gridwork mission to restore the inner planetary core Flower of Life geomancy and activate the 12D inner earth templating. This will foster the galactic energies needed to bring forth the New Earth Prophecy and restore humanity and all life.

We take responsibility for our past wrongs, thoughts, and unfair attitudes. We care for our sacred temple by drinking healthy, living water and eating organic food. We care for the animals and all of creation. We commit to protecting the life and beauty of our planet. We cultivate the ability to use resources wisely and walk gently on Earth.

Today, we respond to the sacred call of Pachamama and Terra Sacra Kauai… Let us spread the love.

And so it is.

Written by Evi Verstraeten


This powerful message expresses a deep calling from Mama Kauai, the divine embodiment of the earth, to the guardian team assembled for the highest good of humanity and life. It speaks of the unity and selflessness of the group, each member holding a sacred key to unlocking and bridging her organic blueprint, which carries the wisdom, grace, and essence necessary for profound spiritual transformation.

 The call from the Divine Mother's heart brings forth a profound invitation:

Waiakua waiakua, aya aya—a chant from the heart of the divine, symbolizing the connection and invocation of higher spiritual energies. Mama Kauai offers her heart, eyes, and womb to the team, asking them to see with her vision, feel with her heart, and create with her womb. This is an invitation to let her strength flow through their bodies as an everlasting river, guiding them toward the kingdom of heaven.

As this journey unfolds, the guardians must grow stronger, their hearts beating in rhythm with her grace. Mama Kauai prepares them for the great challenges ahead, for there will be those who need them. Their hearts must carry her strength, as she sings a song of blessings and grace into their souls, calling them home.

The prayer seeks sacred permission from Mama Kauai to activate the Mother Grid, which sustains all other living grids. The intention is to weave together cosmic interplanetary structures and living light cellular forms, awakening the original Mother Creation Grid. This grid, originating from Old Lemuria, carries the feminine Earth template and is essential for the New Earth emergence, reconnecting the primordial waters and the original 5D Tiamat inner earth radiance.

The prayer also calls for healing across the cosmic realms, including the destruction of Lyra, Orion, and the Moon, urging a restoration of the flower of life and the original organic grids of life on Earth.

This is a deeply spiritual invocation, aligning the group with the powerful forces of divine feminine energy, the grids of creation, and the healing energies of the universe. Through this sacred mission, you and your team are being called to embody and anchor the higher frequencies needed to uplift humanity and all life on Earth.

 Waiakua waiakua, aya aya.


This Water Blessing beautifully focuses on harnessing the Emerald Codes from the Na Pali Coast, aligning your collective energies with the divine, heart-centered restoration of both humanity and the Earth. The Emerald Activation is a profound process of expanding love, connecting hearts, and bringing forth the healing light needed for planetary and personal transformation.

Here is the essence of this Emerald Water Blessing:

Heart Activation and Connection: You begin by guiding everyone to place their hand on their heart, feeling their hearts open to give and receive love. This heart-centered approach encourages the group to hold all of humanity and the beauty of life within their hearts. Through this connection, you invite them to join hands and generate an expansion of love within the circle, allowing the radiant, synchronized energy to flow.

Emerald Light in Na Pali Coast: As you guide the group to envision this emerald light swirling through their beings, you connect the heart energy with the emerald crystal heart of the planet, particularly within the Na Pali Coast's sacred valleys. This flowing, warm emerald energy represents life force, healing, and renewal, with the request to open planetary communication networks and healing pathways across the Earth.

Calling the Emerald Codes and Dragons: Through your chanting, "We call the Emerald Light Codes to us!" you invoke the powerful Emerald Light Codes and the Rainbow and Emerald Dragons to assist in planetary healing and the restoration of Earth’s natural vibrational essence. The Emerald Covenant is called forth, bringing hope for the return of all souls to their original spiritual homes, with remembrance of their divine purpose and unity with God.

Planetary and Personal Upgrades: You invoke upgrades from the Emerald Heart of the Earth, sparking the restoration of Emerald Sun DNA, activating all 48 strands. This intention fosters the unification of human hearts for miraculous healing and awakening, aiming to educate humanity on hidden truths such as the Law of One and ancient founder records.

Freedom, Love, and Restoration of Divine Laws: The final prayer asks for humanity's free will to be honored, releasing control over beliefs and fostering egalitarianism, unconditional love, and reverence for life. The blessing supports the multidimensional healing of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers of angelic humans, allowing consciousness to evolve freely.

This powerful blessing activates the Emerald Codes not only within the Na Pali Coast but within all who participate, aligning their hearts and souls with the divine flow of healing, freedom, and unity for the Earth and beyond.

Beautiful and Inifite Radiant Love to your Precious Heart, Your Divine High Priestess


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