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Cygnus Supernova 3 DAYS OF LIGHT Swan Grid 222 New Earth Templates DOUBLE DIAMOND White Ray

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

We have the 2-22-22 stellar gate alignment portal coming up. That’s going to highlight the 2222 frequency. The higher humanity codes. Which are brought through the double diamond liquid crystal templates….And this date 2-22-22 is so heightened and activated because this is the day the Pluto return is full manifestation. This represents a cosmic rebirthing, globally, planetarily and particularly within the United States. The US is feeling this Pluto return the most because it’s been 248 years -which is the full cycle of Pluto, marks the anniversary of the Us foundation of 1776.

So we will be getting a shadow clearing and release. From these powerful alignments. Will this mark an official release of the J-Seals? Or pressure off the selenite rods? I do feel we are building momentum towards this. I know many of you have been hearing about a prophesized solar flash event that is to come and activate the great spiritual awakening on earth. It has also been seen as the rapture, soul harvest, armageddon, or judgment day. That has been destined to happen sometime over the next decade once a sufficient mass of humanity has awakened and has breached a critical threshold in the level of consciousness. A massive burst of Cosmic waves will be transmitted from the Central Sun (Sagittarius A / Blackhole at the Center of Galaxy) through our Sun. Into what is the solar triplicity- which is the Central sun, the solar sun, and the earth’s center sun- the core of the earth. It will appear on Earth as Milky Warm Liquid Light. Diamond light…

Ready humans... spiritually/energetically will experience near-instant evolution and transmutation of 2 strands double helix DNA Carbon-based Life form into Crystalline Life Form having a Light Body with Multiple Additional (up to 12) DNA Strands and shall then ‘ascend’ to 5TH Dimensional Earth in their Physical Bodies. But what if I told you something may be coming that will re-assemble the 24-48 Stands of DNA. Activating the 22 chakra system and above. That will Re-construct the entire collective soul matrix by re-encoding the entire inner earth sun in double-diamond light.

The swan grid template is the template that will come from this…. indigo, 144,000 rebirthing, activating the 144 harmonics in the earth….Anchoring the double-diamond light sun body. That's the diamond Krystal star matrix of our internal sun. That's why you can see in the picture here the diamond emanating from the swan, from the 7 higher harmonic universe’s…that is a portal to the next universe.

That means that during this time of great Lemurian revival. Transition, we are opening up portals to not only future tara and integrating from that place but also the next universes of the Laniakea systems. That will…Activate the 144,000. Because these templates start base frequency at 144,000 and above…. As the base grid templating rises in the earth….for some it will be attainment, some it will be installation, some it will be graduation, for some it will be mission…..but either way baseline will be the 144,000 earth grid templating. It comes when the emerald crystals are activated in the earth’s crystal caverns, the sapphire crystals, the aqua aura crystals- the rare and unique gems…the malachite… the moldavite, it will begin to grow sophistic flowering plasma chakras…which will upgrade all of the biological grids… Below these fields bringing them in a consistent upward motion and shedding of density possibly bring forth the third messiah…and activate the golden gate in Jerusalem and obliterate all the blockages on this gate system…

This is the actual house and crystal star design that all starseeds on this earth achieve to embody- the eternal cosmic Christos plasma light….Free of crucifixion, persecution and stigmata. The victors of christ and full rehabilitation of the majority of the Anunnaki collective…Now This may come through a stellar cosmic supernova gamma wave from two different incidents in Alpha Cygnus reaching our earth body by July 2022…..meaning solar explosions in Cygnus have gamma rays coming to earth as we speak…And I could be wrong….the schematics of time could be more extended into the future. but these probabilities are active in the planetary organic galactic synchronizations of time as we speak….If this happens fully… we may have 3 days of light consecutively with no nights… no turning off…. No darkness….by July 2022….

The last time anything like this has ever happened… they were writing about it in the book of genesis….where we had six consecutive days of light. And the conception and the birth of everything in our universe that was brought forth to the earth was done by the third day. So you can imagine the possibilities of three straight days of pure light….

This may be even more spectacular than the solar flash event, this may be the spark to the golden age that takes us into a higher harmonic universe of existence and creation. Eradicating all darkness on the earth…starting with the deepest trenches and canyons on the earth… Where the deepest darkness resides. This is where the wings of the Swan expand to begin its touch points from the grand canyon in Arizona to the Marianna trench…..where the light will appear for the first time in a long time in those deepest darkest spaces in the earth….And it’s not just the grand canyon and the Marianna trench its all deep dark canyons, trenches, volcanic trenches, in the spaces in the pacific ring of fire where the ouroboros of our earth consumes themselves again and gain… …that is why the earth’s identity is a serpent-like in the first place…is because of that process. We have already been beginning to integrate this light from Cygnus… atomic gamma rays from February-March 2022.

Alex Collier speaks about this….so the andromedans know about this too….it takes 2600 light-years of traveling for it to get to us from alpha Cygnus’s which was the last supernova wave that happened in the 1600s and possibly another one that occurred even 15,000 years ago. We will be integrating that light into a photonic blast wave.

What I think is happening is Cygnus may be dominating the race morphogenetic field encoding in the precession cycles, as the main indigo template in the earth if it’s the primary system creating the most supernova wave blasts. A primary birthing location of stars…. Most stars are born in the nano-diamond of the milky way…I have also been seeing that it was the Pleiadians who last encoded the race morphogenetic field in terms of the light-gridding intelligence field in the last precession.

The templates may be being designed simply by the wave blast particles and light from stars being born and colliding in particular systems according to the precession cycle. There is also supposed to be another event in Cygnus that we can see with our eyes. The main one at this time that may play the most main role we have right now in stellar evolution. A collision of two stars in Cygnus will be visible for up to 6 months…. The diamond rains of Cygnus that holds all indigo records from the primordial cloud…The diamond rains made heat for us to thrive…

Now Egyptians in death believed that the soul got pushed to the north.The king's and pharaoh's long descent into the afterlife was aligned to the northern star Deneb into the rebirth of the womb of nut…Which is Cygnus in the nanodiamonds of the milk-way…We should be integrating the gamma rays by February to March 2022, and we may experience the 3 days of light by July 2022…

J-Seal Removal Biological and Planetary | IndigoAngelThis is a 1 1/2 hour interactive J-Seal Removal private session through Zoom. (3-Technique Removal System designed by IndigoAngel) 7th Tonal Line ClearingJ-Seal RemovalLiquid Light Cleanse It is recommended to Liquid Fast for best results 36 hours after Session for Best results. This is not required.

Deep 13 Dimensional Chakra Clearing 7 Dimensional Crystal Clearing/Activation10 Dimensional Manifestation Attunement This is a 1 1/12 to sometimes 2 hour session, please come prepared with water, two crystals (light & dark), and an open heart ready to dig in deep. Vulnerability required for best outcome.


The Swan Grid Light Template

is a representation of a merging and unification of bloodlines that takes place collectively through the white ray to crystal to double diamond liquid plasma rays. This unification comes through a tetramorphic union of the 4 living creatures. Which you can find in the book of Ezekiel, merging pillaric identity into a single figure creating the perfected eternal human or androgynous spirit body.

(This sounds complex, but it's what we truly embody is the ability to merge radial identity (light identities), genetic diversity, going from 12 strands of diversification awareness to 144, and even beyond in some cases.)

It’s not just within the 4 living creatures through the expression of this unification. It happens also within all transitional primordial emanations that express themselves through the frequency of the white ray (and other creational arcing rays as-well but we are focusing on white because that's what's most alive in the earth's field). The swan is the final transformation of the cosmic serpent, evolution from Hydra to Cygnusian (bloodline unification) as they are oppositional cosmology, that takes us from the dark mother templates to the white mother expansion. Cygnus- being the mother of the cosmic egg.

That's why the swan has a long neck- similar to a serpent body. What was once belly to belly with the earth in serpent form- trekking the densities of the black mother is now transcended into its full liberation. And has taken flight……

It’s the light grid template planetary and biologically to the 144,000


It is an exaltation of the dove fully expanded free of hijacking, and so much more that we are going to dive into in this update.

Please See this full update on youtube.

What if I told you something may be coming that will re-assemble the 24-48 Stands of DNA. Activating the 22 chakra system and above. That willRe-construct th...

Light Matrices

in the earth’s galactic holographic blueprint- are what is now expanding into ultralight matrices into liquid white to double diamond templates….

This is fueling the everlasting freedom convoys spreading across the globe. Not any longer just in Canada, but now the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Israel. We are starting to watch the diabolical willy wankas starting to feel the pressure of millions- as light expands… and mandates are slowly starting to roll back. As each one continues to feel the upgrades of these light grids. The liberation and freedom codes for the year 2022 will be about the constant pressure to keep stripping these layers. Stripping the demonic symbolism off of the parliament buildings, obelisk's, sacred sites, ley lines, and ultimately out of global heart chakra's.

It will ignite one by one by one as each one rehabilitates their ability to allow light back into the dark spaces from the deep dark. It’s like being in a dark room for a long time, your eyes have to adjust to the exposure, the new codes in their DNA, the ability to see more again, the feeling of new stability, or regaining a perspective.

The consistent message is….

Don’t forget that we create this reality here on this earth and it’s our responsibility here to turn the light on in others.

in the earth’s galactic holographic blueprint- are what is now expanding into ultralight matrices into liquid white to double diamond templates….

This is fueling the everlasting freedom convoys spreading across the globe. Not any longer just in Canada, but now the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Israel. We are starting to watch the diabolical willy wankas starting to feel the pressure of millions- as light expands… and mandates are slowly starting to roll back. As each one continues to feel the upgrades of these light grids. The liberation and freedom codes for the year 2022 will be about the constant pressure to keep stripping these layers. Stripping the demonic symbolism off of the parliament buildings, obelisk's, sacred sites, ley lines, and ultimately out of global heart chakra's.

It will ignite one by one by one as each one rehabilitates their ability to allow light back into the dark spaces from the deep dark. It’s like being in a dark room for a long time, your eyes have to adjust to the exposure, the new codes in their DNA, the ability to see more again, the feeling of new stability, or regaining a perspective.

The consistent message is….

Don’t forget that we create this reality here on this earth and it’s our responsibility here to turn the light on in others.

References The dove was always encoded energetically to the motherlands of MU, through the hydra and swan (cygnusian) templates... all prior to any hijacking...C...


The Dove Grid, J.J Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch

Fluer de lis


Dove Grid Recap

The prophecy attained is the guardian light sweeps will make their way amongst the left and the right flanks of the wings of the dove.

The central point of this light grid- the central vertical ley line is running through Winnipeg. This is important because this light encoding is sweeping and removing the masonic symbolism off of the parliament buildings. The Winnipeg parliament building holds what is called the pool of the black star, black granite floor under a copper roof- a cumulative pit of rot, siphoning gate that is fed from the banking institutions- like black rock and vanguard. It is capped with the pharaonic sexualized energy.…where they are also keeping medusa’s head similarly to how the Vatican does underneath their deep layers of vaulted pain and suffering, it’s their way of holding the virgin Mary captive, the feminine demonization of the black madonna and the Lillith’s at bay….

But the 222 codes being pivotal degree markers in the breakthroughs of these prophecies. Freeing medusa, or freeing the virgin Mary and all the divine feminine lineages of the fleur de Lis—all of the Mary Magdalene bloodlines (the hydra’s, the Pleiadians, the Lyrans, the cygnusians) and those encoded to the isis temples in France.

This is an isis awakening.

So these are a part of the process of the expansion of the white ray that will begin to strip demonic symbolism following the ley lines from the devil's tower down to Washington DC and ultimately across the Atlantic to the Azores Spain to Italy. And freeing up more of this divine feminine energy, and blockages in the grids.

Because remember the dove expansion will happen in steps. This will be done in a light order that justifies the presentation of the expanding DOVE to its unification of bloodlines into the swan. From the heart and dormancy in North America to expand into the world according to the unfolding prophecy.

First, the Dove may expand through the white lion grid, as the white lion is its protector, it can flourish through this network and find its way into places of deep darkness, detriment, despair, and prophesied pain and suffering by having the beast of cosmic rishis as its shield. -again unaffiliated to crucifixion. But this will send signals to the golden gate in Jerusalem, where I have been predicting for a long time a divine feminine awakening messiah consciousness…but first the energetic blockages on the golden gate have to be alleviated.

It will also continue to expand from the white dragons, the white eagles, and the white rays of man- through the 4 pillars of man- again bringing forth unification. This will come as a rising of the protector’s of the divine mother, and the Sophianic grail freeing the medusa’s, the virgin Mary, the Mary Magdalene's, and isis temples in France.

You can see this through the King Arthur templates, and the White Dragon lineages.

The purity rays of the divine masculine will also begin to rise in their sovereignty.

The next awakening within this comes as the code of the Guardianships that are coming forward. These are those that are ready to step up into parental roles and supporter roles of the earth. Those that hold this sustainability within them. The guardians will come as fully embodied in human form to eliminate the clones of earth, as this was one of the first cracks in creation. The guardians then will move on to heal the hybridization traumas, Draco -anu hybrids, Nephilim hybrids, and zeta hybrids traumas. Healing all alien hybrid traumas period.

The next process of this dove grid expansion will come through activation of particular sites, where the demonic encoding will be stripped from symbolism. Locations like the statue of liberty, and the liberty bell…Restoration of purity of sacred sites. Lemurian templating will activate- but also will continue to shift to new locations.

Then global decoding of the selenite rods that keep that pylon network of the planetary J-Seals holding the fabrics of the dove contained to North America’s under the hijacking and siphoning. Will be released, the swan codes will surge through to the planetary Cygnus cross where it will emanate from 4 specific locations. (Goebekli Tepe, Abadan Iran, Giza Egypt, and Mecca)

This is very important because this is the collective pinnacle point of the total release of global crucifixion wounds completely restoring the 7th-dimensional planetary monadic structures.

Then the spheres of the dove cities of light will come online. Through the heart of the Nephites- which are considered ancient Americans.

Or what is considered “ stations of light command”

All of these cities of light will be unified in the double diamond heart cosmic codex simultaneously with the swan. The 144,000 will fully activate in mission to build these.

Canada-let's gooooooo......A lot of YouTubers are covering this right now.... Because the mainstream is in full on demonization mode......trying so hard to discredited...

Important Messages I just wanted to thank everyone for subscribing to my monthly newsletters! Please stay tuned to your email as updates will come with full recaps of the most important highlights of the month according to cosmic and planetary grid networks. If you have recently purchased services with me, such as a starseed origin reading, a platinum reading, or the beyond mystic special, I just wanted to let you know that it may take me a total of up to two weeks to fully return these to you. You can always reach out to me for a status update on your reading. If you have purchased a service from me and have not heard anything back from me within 36 hours via email after your purchase please gently nudge me via email to remind me. As I do not want to forget about anyone, and something could have potentially flown under my radar. If you are interested in joining group grid work sessions to further enhance your psychic abilities and to find community with those who are doing the work. Please join my patreon to get started. The next group grid prep meeting is 3/2/22 via zoom/patreon. Follow the link below to join. Paypal Tip Jar 🏺🙈💕 Donations are always Accepted & Appreciated ❤️ Join Indie's Cosmic Playground on Discord, Active Live Chat Help IndigoAngel Activate Starseeds Go Fund Me Watch and Learn About this project Here: 💘💘💘 Please see my most recent collaboration with Black Earth Productions, Sethikus Boza. This was an artistic collaboration and the style of content is not my typical kind of post. Please keep this in mind after viewing this content that collaborations are sometimes outside of your total control. This collaboration came after several request form viewers wanting to see our perspective minds put side by side. Sethikus comes from the perspective of the Norse Mythos and carries very strong tribal codex's to the ancestral druids. Thank you Everyone, Cosmic and Eternal Blessings Indie

IndigoAngel is creating IndigoAngel is creating Starseed Higher Consciousness, AAMP | PatreonWelcome to IndigoAngel's Patreon Page, where you can find videos for visualizations, stargate grid working maps, and advanced avatar content. I have put my Blood, Sweat, Tears, and every OUNCE of my Being and Dedication into bringing you the Best video series for strategic cognitive consciousness development.

Lemurian Star Core Codex - Gridworks to the Ancient Future with Amanda Jane Demarco and Sethikus Boza via: Black Earth Product...

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